PSALM 104:34

May my meditation be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the Lord.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to...

We are ever nearing Boards testing but I thought I would take a study break to give you the highlights of what's been galloping around inside my brain.

1.  How not to kill patients...yes, it is very unlikely, but your optometrist could potentially kill you.

2.  In relation to not killing patients, how to pass Boards...the idea is that if you pass Boards you will be a lot less likely to kill patients.  Hoping this rational holds true.

3.  How not to get killed myself...I talked to a land-lady this week who told me there is an area of Omaha that is a "shooting gallery."  Oh my goodness...not only am I attempting to avoid killing patients and failing boards...I am also going to have to avoid being shot in Omaha.  The upside to this particular point is that I have a couple of friends from the Omaha area that assure me that Omaha is actually very safe.  So, mom, don't worry.  I'm sure the land-lady was being over-reactive...I hope.  In relation to all of this I am trying to find a place to live in this potential "shooting-gallery."  Unfortunately, the land-lady did not give me clear instructions about where to avoid...

4.  How to pass my classes plus move, take finals, and be a bridesmaid in a wedding all on the same weekend.  Now this one is what I'm afraid will be really tricky.  Basically, I have a final Monday morning and I am a bridesmaid Sunday you say, that's not that bad, just study beforehand and you'll be fine.  And you would be right, except that being a bridesmaid is in Springfield MO, and taking the final is in Bloomington, IN.  And no, the professor won't move the test.

 Yes, I basically will have 15 hours to make an 8 hour drive back home to pass my final.  I can do it! BTW, if Sara is reading this or anyone who is related to Sara, do not worry. :)  This will be ok, its a teency stressful, but nothing that the wedding party should worry about.  I am so happy and honored to be in the wedding!  The situation can definitely be handled.  Remember, I'm just listing my thoughts.

On top of  finals/weddings in separate states, Allen and I also have to have all of our stuff moved out of our apartment and to wherever we are going to put it in Arkansas the same weekend.  I think the plan is actually just to do this and get it out of the way before... but we shall see.

5.  How to...well....there are many possibilities for #5, but we won't go into them right now.  Right now we will concentrate on the top 4 and how to work them out.

I will keep you updated and if you come looking for us any time around the end of April/beginning of May, you should find us somewhere in the triangle between Bloomington, Omaha, and Rogers.  I don't know where, I just know I have to be in Omaha on the 7th.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. I had no idea becoming an optometrist could be so perilous to one's health. If Mom had known she might have discouraged you from trying which is what mom's are prone to do. Dad's on the other hand live on the edge. While they can't come right out and say it in front of the mom type of people, they actually think its exciting to move to the "shooting gallery" in Omaha. In their mind they imagine dodging the "shooter" to rescue the damsels in need of corrective lenses.


  2. Yes, I think it is rather exciting myself...although I'm not sure it is very lady-like of me to go around rescuing damsels, when I am a damsel myself. But oh well. Such is my life. ;) I'm pretty excited about the whole prospect, at least when I am not panicking.

    Also, how did you comment on here? Gramma Grace and many other people have tried multiple times and no one who does not have a blog has been able to leave any I deduce that you either have a blog that I don't know about, or you really are the genius that I always suspected you were.


  3. I try to keep the "Genius" trait hidden but sometimes it just comes out. What am I to do? The only way I have found to comment is by choosing "Anonymous" which is not necessarily what I want to be. Unfortunately I have already used up my 15 minutes of fame so now I have to live with the consequences. I have searched on Craigslist and e-Bay but nobody is selling any extra minutes of fame... at least not at a price that I can afford.

